SRV records

Gandi allows you to add and manage SRV records in your domain's zonefile if your domain name uses our default DNS.

Adding, editing, and deleting SRV records

Using the "expert" zone file management interface

For clairity, it is recommended that you use the “expert” zone file edition interface in order to add/edit/delete an SRV record in your zonefile (see this page to see how to edit your zone file).

It is very important that the format of the record is correct, and notably presents the elements in the correct order:

order: service.protocol TTL IN SRV priority weight port target.
example: _sip.tcp 86400 IN SRV 0 5 5060

Below is therefore an example of what your SRV line would look like when added to your zonefile in expert mode at Gandi:

 _sip._tcp 86400 IN SRV 0 5 5060

Note that when using Gandi's zone file management that you will not add the domain after the protocol. This is because Gandi adds it by default.

Using the "normal" zone file management interface

If you chose to use the “normal” zone file edition interface in order to add/edit/delete an SRV record in your zonefile (see this page to see how to edit your zone file), note that you will not follow the form's instructions.

Below are the values that you will put in the form's fields:

  • Type: SRV
  • TTL: indicate the desired TTL
  • Name: put the service and protocol, separated by a dot (ex. _sip._tcp). Do NOT put the domain name after the protocol. Gandi adds this automatically when interpreting the record.
  • Value: put the priority, weight. port, and target, ending in a dot (ex. 0 5 5060

See Also

Last modified: 09/23/2014 at 14:27 by Ryan A. (Gandi)