Changing the owner for certain ccTLD domains
To change the owner of domain names under certain ccTLD extensions, this special procedure must be followed:
The future owner can initiate – and therefore pay for – the owner change, if their handle is added as the domain's administrative contact.
1. Send an email to customer support using our online form requesting the owner change and explicitly authorizing the debit of your prepaid account for the operation.
2. Fill out the special owner change form and fax it to Gandi at +1.410-449-4499 (or, if necessary, to +33.(0) along with the number of the support ticket you just sent (you will get this in the auto reply). You must include with your form all necessary proof of ID as indicated in the instructions.
You can also send it by email, simply replying to the support ticket you have just opened, or by the post:
Gandi SAS 63-65 boulevard Massena Paris (75013) France
Important: For .ES domain names, the administrative, technical and billing contacts must all be individuals. More information here