Uploading files to a Simple Hosting instance using SFTP

Once you have declared a website address on your Simple Hosting instance, you can upload content to your site by following the steps below.

Login details for connecting to your instance

Simple Hosting only supports the SFTP protocol, which is newer and more secure than FTP. When configuring your client, note that SFTP uses port 22 instead of port 21 like FTP.

To connect to your Simple Hosting instance, you will need the following:

  • Host/Server address: This was provided in the confirmation email sent to you when your instance was created (it is also visible on your instance management page – see your list of instances):
    • sftp.dc0.gpaas.net for the Paris data center
    • sftp.dc1.gpaas.net for the Baltimore data center
    • sftp.dc2.gpaas.net for the Luxembourg data center
  • Username: This is your instance's “unique identifier,” a 4- to 7-digit number which was provided in the confirmation email sent to you when your instance was created (also visible on your instance management page). Note: This is different from your Gandi handle.
  • SFTP password: Enter the password you defined when you created your instance (This is not the same thing as your Gandi handle password.) (You can reset it if necessary.)
  • Remote directory/path: Enter your Simple Hosting website's remote directory, which looks something like this: /lamp0/web/vhosts/www.yourdomainname.com/htdocs/ (replace “www.yourdomainname.com” in the example, with the name of your virtualhost)
  • Protocol: SFTP
  • Port: 22

This information can also be found by placing your mouse cursor over the “Login” link on your Simple Hosting instance management screen:

Mouseover the Login link to find your Login details

SSH key authentication

This only concerns SFTP and Git access. SSH key authentication is not available for SSH console access

You can record a public SSH key to your instance. You will find how to add it manually on this page: Add a public SSH key to your instance

Connecting to your instance using an SFTP client

Tutorials for individual clients:

See also

Last modified: 02/07/2018 at 18:28 by Richard M. (Gandi)