How to back up your data

You have several main ways of doing so:

1 : The tar.gz via SSH classic

This method allows you to back up your data whenever you need it, or to install an automated process. You simply need to execute a backup script as root on your server. This script will simply send the data to the location of your choice after having compressed it in a tar.gz file.

We will refer to the machine receiving the backup as client, and the machine that is being backed up as server. The server is your Gandi server.

Create an SSH key for your backup

On the client, you need to create an SSH key :

$ if [ ! -d ~/.ssh ]; then mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh; fi
$ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_backup -N '' -t rsa -b 2048

The content of the public key is in the file : ~/.ssh/

Let's copy it on the server :

$ scp ~/.ssh/ <vm-user>@<vm-host>:/home/<mon-compte>/

This will not work if you have a simple hosting instance beacause you have a restricted access and can't log as a sudoer. You will not be able to add your key in /root/.ssh

Now, we need to add the key on the server, in the file: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys. Once connected on the server :

$ sudo su
# if [ ! -d /root/.ssh ]; then mkdir /root/.ssh && chmod 700 .ssh; fi
# if [ ! -f /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ]; then touch /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys; fi
# echo "command=\"/root/bin/\" `cat`" >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
# exit
$ rm ~/

We just added the key and restricted its use to the command: /root/bin/

From the client, let's try to login and check that it will try to start the command: /root/bin/ (which does not exist yet). Please replace <vm-host> by the name of your server).

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_backup root@<vm-host>

Script for the backup

Let's go back on the server in order to create the script /root/bin/

$ sudo su
# if [ ! -d /root/bin ]; then mkdir /root/bin; fi
# touch /root/bin/
# chmod 700 /root/bin/
# touch /root/bin/
# chmod 700 /root/bin/
# exit

Another script: /root/bin/ has also been created. It works in a rather simple manner. Using the key, the script /root/bin/ is 'called” at each SSH connection. The script will check that the requested command is /root/bin/ If if is the case, it will start the script.

Voici le code de /root/bin/

if [ "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" = "/root/bin/" ]; then 
  echo "Rejected"

Finally : here is the file: /root/bin/


/bin/tar cvfz - /etc /root /home /var/backups /var/lib /srv/<my-disk>

Please replace /srv/<my-disk> by the path of your data disk. Add all the paths to be backed up as necessary.

This script is really basic, and can be completed by a backup of the MySQL database if you have one. For example, before the tar command, we can add:

/usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -A -Q --opt | /bin/gzip > /var/backups/mysql-dump.sql.gz

Please note : this is only valid for a Debian or an Ubuntu server.

Executing the script from the client

From the client, simply use the following command:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_backup root@<vm-host> "/root/bin/" > sauvegarde.tar.gz

Setup an automated backup

For an automated backup from the client using the backup command given above, we can use cron.

Edit your crontab on the client:

$ crontab -e

The command crontab -e opens the crontab file ready to edit.

To execute the command everyday at 11PM for example, enter the command like so:

0 23 * * * ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_backup root@<vm-host> "/root/bin/" > backup.tar.gz

Save the file and quit the editor to update the crontab.

The file backup.tar.gz will be created in your home directory, and you will receive a mail at the address specified in MAILTO with the backup command that will allow you to check the backup went well.

2: Rsync

This method allows you to copy the entire data on the server (Linux) on a local machine (Linux, or using Cygwin).

rsync is a GNU command allowing a synchronization of distant machines. You can access the online help with the command info rsync (there are also excellent articles on

We suggest that you log in via ssh.

The advantage of this method is that it clones the entire server (new files and modified files are copied locally, deleted files on the server since the last sync, are deleted from the local copy).

#Retrieves all the files from the server gdm
rsync -r -t -v -z --progress --rsh=ssh /home/backup 
read -n 1 -p "Press a key to continue..."

Note: the / at the end of the directory is not optional.

3. GSync

Under Linux, there is a graphic interface called GSync. See the GSync installation and setup guide.

FIXME À développer

See also

Last modified: 05/07/2016 at 16:41 by Harold H.