Installing XAMPP

This document is a Work In Progress tracking about installing XAMPP on ubuntu 9.04 (Gandi MI).

Before Start

XAMPP : Software Bundle containing a web server (Apache) with MySQL, PHP and Perl; provided by Apache Friends. You can use other (non basic components), like Mercury Mailserver, and Apache Tomcat.

Operation Mode: command line via SSH. User: i use the super-user “su” to gave commands. to go type: su Editor: i use nano. to install type: sudo apt-get install nano

Install XAMPP then run

There atre 3 steps: Download the archive (the url change as version)

# wget

Deflate archive. it will create a folder named lampp

# tar xvzf xampp-linux-1.7.2.tar.gz

Move the lampp folder to /opt/lampp

# mv lampp /opt

To run XAMPP you need to give the following command: /opt/lampp/lampp start

Now you can see XAMPP working at default address http:<host-address>

Last modified: 10/16/2012 at 18:38 by Thomas S. (Gandi)