How to back up your Gandiblog

Start by logging into you blog's admin interface at

Then, on the left-hand side of the screen, in the options menu, click on “Import/Export” which is under the “PLUGINS” section.


This will bring up the list of Import and Export options. What you are doing is exporting a blog, and so you will want to click on “Flat file export”. This will bring up the following interface:


Click on the button that says “Export”.

You will now be prompted to open or save the file it generated. You will want to save this to your computer.

This file contains the text and layout in http of your blog entries. It does not contain your images, just the code the tells the blog where to find your images.


To download your images, click on the link that says “You may also want to download your media directory as a zip file”.

This will ask you if you want to open or save the file called “”. Choose to save it to your computer.

This folder will contain all the images that you uploaded to your blog, and maintains the directory paths that you created (the various folders with images in them). You will need to unzip the folder in order to see the photos and before you import them to any new blog you create (ex. if you are moving your blog to a new location)

Last modified: 03/28/2011 at 14:06 by Ryan A. (Gandi)