A reseller is a company that offers custom packages of Gandi products and services under their own name and brand. The reseller acts as a technical intermediary between you and Gandi. If your domain is managed by a reseller, you have to log in to their site, not ours, to manage your domain.
There are some cases where you might not be able to accomplish what you want through your reseller. In that case, you can ask them to “release” your domain and handle to you so you can log in to gandi.net.
If you don't know who your reseller is, or if you don't know how to contact them, don't hesitate to contact us.
Resellers are not registrars themselves; they simply use our API to register and manage a domain on your behalf.
Reseller information is not listed in the Whois.
Resellers may not have all the capabilities available directly through our website. For example, you may not be able to transfer your domain to another registrar through their interface. In cases like this, you can request your handle be ”released” by the reseller; this will allow you to manage the domain name or hosting yourself.
When your handle is released, your reseller will provide instructions for logging in to gandi.net.