Access your Simple Hosting by SSH Console
If you need shell access to your instance, you can activate the console via your instance's interface. Once activated, the console will be available for 2 hours. It will automatically disconnect after that for security reasons.
How to activate the Simple Hosting SSH console
Log into your instance's control panel, and then scroll down to your Access table:
On the console line, you will find a link that you can click on to log in. If your web browser knows how to handle ssh:// (or knows what program to open to do this) just click on login.
If you use an SSH client that is not in your web browser, the connection settings can be obtained by rolling your mouse over the icon.
- The server is : console.dc0.gpaas.net.
- The login is your Simple Hosting user used for SFTP
- Your SSH password is the same as for the administration.
How to use the SSH console
When prompted, login to your instance using the information obtained above like this:
$ ssh 106734@console.dc1.gpaas.net
(Replace 106734 with your instance ID, and dc1 with the ID of your datacenter; both can be found in the tooltip shown in the screenshot above.)
Once connected, you will be identified as 'hosting-user'. This is exactly as if you were connected under SFTP.
Your departure point is also the same, ie. /srv/lamp0' which corresponds to your 'home directory” for this user.
What you can use SSH console access for
Manipulating files
Once logged into your instance via SSH you may use common Linux commands such as mv, rm wget, etc to manage your instance's files and directories.
For example, below is an example of a Wordpress4 installation via SSH:
hosting-user@WordPress4:~$ cd web/vhosts/wp.gandi.ninja/htdocs/ hosting-user@WordPress4:~/web/vhosts/wp.gandi.ninja/htdocs$ wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip hosting-user@WordPress4:~/web/vhosts/wp.gandi.ninja/htdocs$ unzip latest.zip hosting-user@WordPress4:~/web/vhosts/wp.gandi.ninja/htdocs$ mv wordpress/* . hosting-user@WordPress4:~/web/vhosts/wp.gandi.ninja$ rm latest.zip hosting-user@WordPress4:~/web/vhosts/wp.gandi.ninja$ rm index.html
Connecting to MySQL to make direct commands
You do not need to go through PHPmyAdmin for changes to your database. You can connect directly there with
mysql -u root -h localhost -p
where you will then need to enter the password of the database that you set.
Viewing logs
To view your logs (ex. visitor occurrences, system errors, etc.) without going through sFTP use:
ls /srv/data/var/log/
This will give you a view of the dossiers containing the logs per application.
If, for example you want to see the latest logs of your web server Apache, type:
tail -f /srv/data/var/log/apache/access.log
You can return to your sftp root location at any time by using the cd command.