Table of Contents

Gandi's Pro Standard SSL Certificates

This is a type of Pro SSL certificate at Gandi, and so it is ideal for protecting addresses that are used for E-Commerce websites or a customer account zone with sensitive data for example.

These certificates add a financial warantee to your certification, which is not available with the Standard-type certificates.

This type of certificate is only available to accounts that are legal entities (not individuals)

Unlike the Single-address Pro SSL certificates, the Wildcard version lets you secure more than one address on its domain name. For example:

If you need to secure various domain names through one certificate, however (ex.,, then you would want to choose one of our Standard or Business Multi-domain certificates. Multi-domain certificates are not available for Pro SSL certificates.

Types of Pro SSL Wildcard certificates

There are two types of these certificates that you can choose from when making your purchase on our website:

Warrantied” means that you are financially covered up to the amount of your warranty in the event that the security of your website is compromised

SGC compatibility” means, in short, that the certificate will work on older web browsers.

The Pro SSL Wildcard Certificate includes:

Required Documents

Pro SSL certificates require some documentation.

See also