Thank you for choosing Gandi! We take great pride in your trust, and in managing your domain in an ethical and transparent manner.
Once you are sure that your domain may be transferred to Gandi, you may begin the transfer process by following the steps below:
Having trouble?
Most ccTLDs have special transfer procedures. Here are some of the more popular extensions:
The following table shows the minimum number of days following an operation that must pass before a transfer can be launched, as well as any special notes concerning the transfer process.
extension | after creation | after transfer | comments |
ICANN-sponsored domains (eg. the “generic” TLD, such as .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, etc.) | 60 days | 60 days | The owner contact at the former registrar, and the future owner contact at Gandi must accept a confirmation email within 6 days after the transfer is launched. |
.CO.UK, .ME.UK, .ORG.UK | none | none | the TAG must be changed to the new registrar's TAG |