AKA “Why isn't my email address visible in the whois?”
Depending on how the whois of a domain is managed (whether it is provided by Gandi or the registry), it may or may not display an address.
In instances where the whois is provided by Gandi and does display an email address for a contact, your email address may be replaced by an obfuscated one.
This is because each handle at Gandi has a feature that allows us to display a temporary email address in the whois database instead of the contact's real email address. This is to keep those with nefarious intentions from getting a hold of your real email address, while still providing a way for you to be contacted.
The obfuscated email address looks like this:
Despite it ending in gandi.net
it is not addressed to us.
This is simply a forwarding address. Emails sent to that address are automatically forwarded to the email address that you entered when you set up your account.
If you have anti-spam protection activated, your email address will be obfuscated in the whois of any domains your handle is associated with. It will be replaced with a scrambled email address which will forward messages to your real email.
If you need to disable this feature so that your real email address appears in the whois listing, simply disable the anti-spam protection from your account's settings.
The Whois listing should be updated within a few moments after submitting your changes.