

In France, the popular term 'spam' is defined as per Directive 2002/58/EC. Specifically, provisions contained in Article 12 by which Article L.33-4-1 of the Code of Posts and Telecommunications is amended (Projet de Loi n°89 - pour la confiance dans l' économie numérique):

Est interdite la prospeciton directe, notamment la publicité, au moyen de 
courriers électroniques utilisant, sous quelque forme que ce soit, les   
cordonnées d'une personne physique ou morale non inscrite au registre du 
commerce et des sociétés qui n'a pas exprimé son consentement préalable à 
recevoir de tels courriers électroniques.

To summerize in English, in France, spam is thus defined if the following conditions are met:

  1. an advertisement is e-mailed to a person
  2. the e-mail was unsolicited

This is much different than the unfortunately-named 'CAN SPAM' act in the United States, which actually permits spamming (as defined under French law).

How to fight spam

Reporting spam

Many internet resources are available for fighting spam. Gandi encourages the reporting of spam to the registrars of spamvertized domains, and to the web hosts responsible for providing the spamming servers.

For tips and instructions on how to successfully report spam, visit the spamtrackers.eu wiki page on reporting spam.

If you believe that you recieved spam from Gandi, please refer to Gandi's anti-spam policy. Gandi neither spams nor condones spamming.