Create a domain search engine

This script used our old API and is not usable. We invite you to used our new API

This small PHP code example shows you how it is simple to use our XML API in your own code.

//This is an example on how to integrate a domain search engine in its own website
//Define your include directory
//We use the Gandi OT&E url
$proxy = new xmlrpc_client("");
//This is the login part, don't forget to use your own login / password (received by email once the Test API activated)
$msg = new xmlrpcmsg("login",array(new xmlrpcval("XXX-GANDI"),new xmlrpcval("XXXXX")));
$reply = $proxy->send($msg);
if ($reply->faultCode()) {
        echo "couldn't login because: " . $reply->faultString() . "\n";
//We store the login session to use it in following methods
$session = $reply->value();
//Let's get the domain extension list managable via the API
//Tlds available on the OT&E differs from the one available in production:
//Note this could differ from the list available on
$msg  = new xmlrpcmsg("tld_list", array($session));
$reply  = $proxy->send($msg);
if ($reply->faultCode()) {
    printf("could not retrieve the TLD list because: %s\n", $reply->faultString());
}    else {
    $tlds  = php_xmlrpc_decode($reply->value());
//We can now display the search form
echo "
                <div align='center'>
                <form method='POST' action='$PHP_SELF'>
                        Name to search <input name='word' type='text' value='$_POST[word]' size='20'>
                        <br />
// We display now tlds
for($i=1;$i<sizeof($tlds);$i++) {
        echo "<input type='checkbox' name=checkedtld[] value='$tlds[$i]' ";
        if(in_array($tlds[$i],$checkedtld)==1) echo "checked";
        echo ">$tlds[$i]";
        if(fmod($i,5)==0) echo "<br/>";
//We manage the result of the form and we display it
if($_POST[submit]) {
                $domains[]=new xmlrpcval($_POST[word].".".$_POST[checkedtld][$i]);
        $msg = new xmlrpcmsg("domain_available", array($session, new xmlrpcval($domains, "array")));
        $reply = $proxy->send($msg);
        if ($reply->faultCode()) {
                printf("couldn't check for availability because: %s\n", $reply->faultString());
        }  else {
                $val = $reply->value();
                echo "<br/>";
                while (list($key, $value) = $val->structeach()) {
                        printf("%s : %s\n", $key, $value->scalarval() ? "<font color=green>Available</font> <a href='$key' target='_blank'>Buy it now !</a>" : "<font color=red>Not Available</font>");
                echo "<br/>";
echo "
                <input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'>