How do I let visitors download files from my site?

  1. Go to the page where you want the download link to appear
  2. Click 'Edit my site' to ensure you are in edit mode
  3. Add a link to your page using a 'Link button' (Insert –> Button link), or add a link to your text or to an image.
  4. In the 'Links' tab in the SiteMaker Editor, select 'Link to a file' (folder icon), and this will launch the 'File Manager'.
  5. If you have already uploaded your file, it should be in one of the folders that appears in the 'File Manager'. If you haven't uploaded it yet, click the 'Upload' tab
  6. Click 'Browse' to navigate around your PC to the file you want to upload.
  7. You can choose to rename it before you upload it or just click 'Upload' to add it to your 'File Manager'.
  8. Once the upload is complete you can upload another file or close the upload window.
  9. When you return to the 'File Manager', click 'Finish', and you will see your files folders. Click on the 'Download Files' folder which will contain your uploaded files, select the file you wish to make available for downloading and click 'Use this'.
  10. You can now position and scale the (Button) link object on the page and edit the text of the link in the SiteMaker Editor (for buttons), or in the text itself.

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