
Simple Hosting: sFTP using WinSCP

WinSCP is free open source software for transferring files and folders by sFTP. It is developed exclusively for Windows. WinSCP is simple to use and has multiple program interfaces. It also has advanced features including the creation of symbolic links (symlink).

You can get WinSCP for free on its official page.

Connecting to your instance

Once the software has been installed, you must create your first connection.

Please note that the File protocol selected must be SFTP.

The Host name and the User name of your Simple Hosting instance can be found in your instance summary, as shown at the top of this page. Use the password you chose when creating your instance.

Once this information has been entered, it is advisable to save the session configuration (except the password) in WinSCP to be able to connect faster in the future.

Virtual hosts

Once connected, you will see the instance tree and will be able to transfer your files to your virtual hosts.

Remember that your files must be placed in the htdocs/ directory of your virtual hosts to be seen!

To transfer your files, simply drag them to the target directory on the left side of the window.