Create a domain search engine

This small PHP code example shows you how it is simple to use our XML API in your own code.

//This is an example on how to integrate a domain search engine in its own website
//Define your include directory
//We use the Gandi OT&E url
$proxy = new xmlrpc_client("");
//This is the login part, don't forget to use your own login / password (received by email once the Test API activated)
$msg = new xmlrpcmsg("login",array(new xmlrpcval("XXX-GANDI"),new xmlrpcval("XXXXX")));
$reply = $proxy->send($msg);
if ($reply->faultCode()) {
        echo "couldn't login because: " . $reply->faultString() . "\n";
//We store the login session to use it in following methods
$session = $reply->value();
//Let's get the domain extension list managable via the API
//Tlds available on the OT&E differs from the one available in production:
//Note this could differ from the list available on
$msg  = new xmlrpcmsg("tld_list", array($session));
$reply  = $proxy->send($msg);
if ($reply->faultCode()) {
    printf("could not retrieve the TLD list because: %s\n", $reply->faultString());
}    else {
    $tlds  = php_xmlrpc_decode($reply->value());
//We can now display the search form
echo "
                <div align='center'>
                <form method='POST' action='$PHP_SELF'>
                        Name to search <input name='word' type='text' value='$_POST[word]' size='20'>
                        <br />
// We display now tlds
for($i=1;$i<sizeof($tlds);$i++) {
        echo "<input type='checkbox' name=checkedtld[] value='$tlds[$i]' ";
        if(in_array($tlds[$i],$checkedtld)==1) echo "checked";
        echo ">$tlds[$i]";
        if(fmod($i,5)==0) echo "<br/>";
//We manage the result of the form and we display it
if($_POST[submit]) {
                $domains[]=new xmlrpcval($_POST[word].".".$_POST[checkedtld][$i]);
        $msg = new xmlrpcmsg("domain_available", array($session, new xmlrpcval($domains, "array")));
        $reply = $proxy->send($msg);
        if ($reply->faultCode()) {
                printf("couldn't check for availability because: %s\n", $reply->faultString());
        }  else {
                $val = $reply->value();
                echo "<br/>";
                while (list($key, $value) = $val->structeach()) {
                        printf("%s : %s\n", $key, $value->scalarval() ? "<font color=green>Available</font> <a href='$key' target='_blank'>Buy it now !</a>" : "<font color=red>Not Available</font>");
                echo "<br/>";
echo "
                <input type='submit' name='submit' value='submit'>