How do I upload HTML code to my site?

You can't upload HTML for use in your site. Any HTML files uploaded will be regarded as a 'files for download' and not integrated into the software. SiteMaker is Flash based software that enables users to quickly and easily build websites without requiring knowledge of HTML, CSS or how to use FTP.

We supply tools that allow the site owner to enable Google Analytics so that they can monitor key data on their site's usage and visitors. We also provide access to Google's AdSense which enables the owner to earn money through adverts placed on their site/s.

SiteMaker also offers tools which allows users to add their own META data (keywords and description) to the site as well as to individual pages to assist with SEO. We also ensure that all SiteMaker websites are rendered in such a way that Google can easily index their site so that they do appear in searches (although this still requires the owner to do some work themselves).

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