In order to update your server's modules, you need to:
Change directory to root: cd /
Download the modules' archive: wget$(uname -r)-modules.tar.gz
Move the existing modules: mv -f /lib/modules/$(uname -r) /lib/modules/$(uname -r).old
Uncompress the archive: tar xzf $(uname -r)-modules.tar.gz
Then : depmod $(uname -r)
If you are upgrading a module, you might want to list loaded modules: lsmod
Test the presence of the new module: modinfo your_module . For example: modinfo ipv6 returns with the information field of the module.
If everything went well, delete the old directory: rm -rf /lib/modules/$(uname -r).old and remove the downloaded file rm /$(uname -r)-modules.tar.gz
If needed, reload the module rmmod your_module ; modprobe your_module to use the new version
Your modules are now available.
You can check all the previous version of kernel for your server here.