Changing the owner of a .SE domain at Gandi

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  1. Fill out the special owner change form and fax it to Gandi at +1.410-449-4499 (or, if necessary, to +33.(0) You can also send it to Gandi's support by email. Do not forget to attach the required proofs of ID, as indicated on the document.
  2. Credit the current owner handle's prepaid account for the amount equal to a one-year creation of the domain name according to your rate scale. You can view the prices here. (Tip: the future owner can initiate – and therefore pay for – the owner change, if their handle is added as the domain's administrative contact.)
  3. Contact Gandi's customer support to alert us of the desired owner change.
  4. Our support team will then provide you with another form which you will also need to fax to Gandi at the above number.
  5. Gandi's customer support will then contact you to confirm the change.