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Importing a backed up Gandiblog

If you have made an export of your blog in order to back it up or perhaps move it to a new location, this page will tell you how to import it to the new location.

Start by logging into your blog's administration area at

Then, on the left-hand side of the screen, in the options menu, click on “Import/Export” which is under the “PLUGINS” section.

You will now be presented with a list of Import/Export options.


Choose “Flat file import”, which will bring up the following page:


Click on “browse” and find the file on your desktop which is the export that you made earlier. It will have a name like “2011-03-28-16e6afdd521f151c384b87b9b9d16293-backup.txt”. When you are ready, click “send”.

When it is successful, you'll get a message that says “Single blog successfully imported.


The import of images does not create the directories for you, you will need to add these as you go along.

To import your photos, begin by going to the “Media Manager” interface, which you will see on the left-hand menu.

Then, towards the bottom of the page, you will see a link that says “Activate enhanced uploader”. Click on this.

1. Create a folder that corresponds to the folder where you will be taking the images from.

2. Use the “Chose files” button to select the images you want to upload.

Using this tool, browse to the media folder that you exported earlier and needed to unzip (it was called and find the photos you want to upload to the folder you created. When done click “upload”.

Then, go back and repeat this operation for all the image folders in the media folder you exported.

The blog will automatically be updated with these.

Any typo in the name of a directory that you create will make the images not appear in your entry. Also, any change in the location of your directories will also make the images not appear. In order for the import to 'work', you need to reconstitute it exactly how it was originally.