If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, you may do so when paying for domain name operations, or to credit your prepaid account.
Please note that the processing time for international bank transfers may be as long as a week, and so it should never be used for urgent orders, as we only complete orders only upon the reception and validation of your payment.
There is no need to contact Gandi's support to see how your bank transfer is coming along, since we do not have any visibility over the transfer's status (it occurs between banks).
It is important that you follow the following guidelines in order to assure that your payment will be taken into account:
enter the exact amount of the transaction (and also be sure to pay for the bank transfer fees),
enter the
transaction number in the comments for the transfer
send your transfer before the following deadlines:
Renewal : at least ten days before the expiration date of the domain or resources.
Restoration: at least ten days before the end of the quarantine/redemption period
Domain name purchase: as soon as possible, since we will only process the creation request upon the reception and validation of your payment.
A payment received without the necessary reference number(s) cannot be applied, as we will have no way of knowing which account to add it to. In this case you must contact us to locate your payment manually.