====== PHP details used for Simple Hosting ====== * PHP Version 5.4 ([[http://simple.gandi-test.fr/phpinfo.php|link to a phpinfo]]). We update the version of PHP used based on the Debian packaging, and so the release date of new versions depends on the Debian package cycle. To see the cycle visit https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=php5-common * php-apc 3.1 * phpMyAdmin 3.5 * Apache 2.4 * mod_filter.c * mod_vhost_alias.c * mod_unixd.c * mod_status.c * mod_setenvif.c * mod_rewrite.c * mod_remoteip.c * mod_negotiation.c * mod_mime.c * mod_info.c * mod_headers.c * mod_fastcgi_handler.c * mod_expires.c * mod_env.c * mod_dir.c * mod_deflate.c * mod_autoindex.c * mod_authz_user.c * mod_authz_host.c * mod_authz_core.c * mod_authn_file.c * mod_authn_core.c * mod_auth_basic.c * mod_alias.c * mod_access_compat.c * event.c * http_core.c * mod_so.c * core.c ===== Specific settings ===== * PATH_INFO The PATH_INFO option has been activated at the level of PHP, which implies that specific URLs like index.php/object will work without any problem, ie. without necessarily adding rewrite rules to the //.htaccess// file. * allow_url_fopen allow_url_fopen is enabled on your instance; we recommend using `curl`; see [[http://phpsec.org/projects/phpsecinfo/tests/allow_url_fopen.html]] for more information. * php.ini the php.ini file can not be customized, you must use the PHP function 'ini_set()' for that. * Show PHP errors error logs are displayed via your instance admin page. If you want to see them directly on your web page, you must enable error reporting with the following code : * max_execution_time The public and the administration areas of your instance, have a max_execution_time of 180 seconds; It is not possible to increase this. You can only lower it by using the 'ini_set ()' or 'set_time_limit()'. * Add Headers Since version 2.4, Apache has been more strict about how HTTP headers are converted to environment variables in mod_cgi and other modules: Previously any invalid characters in header names were simply translated to underscores. This allowed for some potential cross-site-scripting attacks via header injection. It is recommended to use the character '-' in the name value of the header, it will be automatically converted to '_' by Apache. * Modify the limit of post_max_size and upload_max_filesize It is not possible to change these values at present. The default value is 128MB. ====== See Also ====== * [[en:simple:instance:php-mysql|PHP / MySQL Instance family]]