====== Gandi's Wildcard Standard SSL Certificates ====== This is a type of Standard SSL certificate at Gandi, and so it is ideal for protecting websites that do not perform financial transactions. The Wildcard Standard SSL certificate lets you secure a domain name and all its current and/or future subdomains. Unlike the [[en:ssl:standard:single|Single-address Standard SSL certificates]], **the Wildcard version lets you secure more than one address on a domain name**. For example: * ''%%www.example.com%%'' * ''admin.example.com'' * ''photos.example.com'' * ''videos.example.com'' * ''forum.example.com'' * etc. If you need to secure various domain names through one certificate, however (eg. ''%%www.example.com%%'' and ''%%www.example.net%%''), then you would want to choose one of our [[en:ssl:standard:multi-domain|Multi-domain certificates]], as opposed to a Wildcard certificate. A Wildcard certificate secures the bare domain (apex) and unlimited first-level subdomains: ''%%example.com%%'' and ''%%*.example.com%%'' ; but it does not secure higher levels such as ''%%*.*.example.com%%'' and so on. To cover say ''%%*.sub.example.com%%'', you will need to buy another Wildcard certificate. To cover ''%%www.sub.example.com%%'', you will need to buy another Single-address certificate. ===== The Standard SSL Wildcard Certificate includes: ===== * Gandi certification * 128/256 Bit encryption * 99% browser recognition * Trust logo * Issued in under 24 hours * Domain Mismatch Protection * Secure accented domains * 60-day money-back guarantee