====== How to install a Darwin Streaming Server ======
Installation time: **5 minutes**
===== Description =====
The Darwin Streaming Server is the **official open source version of Apple's QuickTime Streaming Server**. This server is for streaming QuickTime and MPEG-4 media over the internet using the industry standard RTP and RTSP protocols.
This guide will show you how to install the Darwin Streaming Server step-by-step on the Fedora 7 distribution. You can choose this OS when creating a server using [[en:hosting:gandi-expert:create-server|Gandi MI (manual install)]].
This guide assumes that you have already installed Apache, and it is running.
Also, remember to [[en:hosting:manage-quota:manage-website|point your domain name's A record to your server]] first, so you can access your server via your domain name.
==== 1. Get the code ====
**1. Goto http://developer.apple.com/opensource/server/streaming/index.html**
**2. Click on "Streaming Server"**
In the "Linux" section, click on "Streaming Server" (for Fedora Core 4 and later)
**3. Log in with your Apple codes**
You will now see the following:
{{ en:hosting:using-linux:tutorials:fedora:appleopen.jpg }}
These login codes are the same as you use for iTunes, or you can create a new username here: http://myinfo.apple.com
**4. save the file to your disk**
DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Linux.tar.gz (21.5 MB)
**5. upload the file to your server**
In this example, I am going to upload the file to: /home/DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Linux.tar.gz using sftp ([[en:glossary:sftp-file-manipulation|how?]])
**6. extract the file:**
tar xvzf DarwinStreamingSrvr5.5.5-Linux.tar.gz
**7. Go into the directory to the DarwinStreamingSrvr4.1.3-Linux folder:**
cd DarwinStreamingSrvr4.1.3-Linux
**8. run the installation script:**
**9: Create the administrator user**
In order to administer the Darwin Streaming Server you must create an administrator user [Note: The administrator user name cannot contain spaces, or single or double quote characters, and cannot be more than 255 characters long].
Please enter a new administrator user name:
**10. Specify the administrator user's password**
You must also enter a password for the administrator user [Note: The administrator
password cannot contain spaces, or quotes, either single or double, and cannot be
more than 80 characters long].
Please enter a new administrator Password:
Enter your new administrator's password.
Re-enter the new administrator password:
Then renter your new administrator's password.
If the passwords are the same, the installation will be complete, and you will see the following confirmation message:
Adding userName xxxxxx
Setup Complete!
==== 2. Configure your new streaming server ====
**11. Using your web browser, go to the following URL:**
You will then see the following page:
{{ en:hosting:using-linux:tutorials:fedora:darwinaddess.jpg }}
Enter the administrator name and its password (the one you created in steps 9 and 10 above).
**12. Setup Assistant MP3 Broadcast**
You will now see the following:
{{ en:hosting:using-linux:tutorials:fedora:mp3broadcast.jpg }}
Specify a MP3 Broadcast password.
**13. Setup Assistant Secure Administration**
You will now see the following:
{{ en:hosting:using-linux:tutorials:fedora:secureadmin.jpg }}
This will enable encryption between the administration server and the web client.
If you do not have a valid streaming server SSL certificate installed, do not check the box to activate this feature.
**14. Setup Assistant Media Folder**
You will now see the following:
{{ en:hosting:using-linux:tutorials:fedora:mediafolder.jpg }}
Specify the location of your media folder. By default this is /usr/local/movies/
**15. Setup Assistant Streaming on Port 80**
You will now see the following:
{{ en:hosting:using-linux:tutorials:fedora:streamport80.jpg }}
To allow streaming on port 80 (the same as Apache), then check the box. *
Click on "**Finish**" to end the configuration.
**16. Server Snapshot**
Once you have finished configuring your streaming server, you will see the following page, which is a snapshot of your streaming server, and the administrative control panel of your streaming server:
{{ en:hosting:using-linux:tutorials:fedora:alldone1.jpg }}
You can now manage your server via your web browser by logging into the following page:
(**replace with the IP Address of your server**)
===== Installing your own Darwin server: Give it a go! =====
Gandi.net provides **flexible and dedicated webhosting resources** that you can use to host as many domain names/websites as you wish. Our service is **without any minimum contractual period** and you can create a powerful server in just 10 minutes beginning at just $14 per month. For more on this, go to our hosting page at [[http://www.gandi.net/hosting|http://www.gandi.net/hosting/]]