====== Changing the owner of a .SE domain at Gandi ====== **← Back to main page: [[:en/contacts/changeowner]]** ---- - {{en:contacts:changeowner:en-owner-change.pdf|Fill out the special owner change form}} and fax it to Gandi at +1.410-449-4499 (or, if necessary, to +33.(0) You can also send it to Gandi's support by email. Do not forget to attach the required proofs of ID, as indicated on the document. - **[[:en:billing:means:prepaid:credit|Credit the current owner handle's prepaid account]] for the amount equal to a one-year creation** of the domain name according to your rate scale. You can view the prices [[http://www.gandi.net/domain/price/info|here]]. (Tip: the future owner can initiate – and therefore pay for – the owner change, if their handle is added as the domain's administrative contact.) - [[http://en.gandi.net/support/contact/|Contact Gandi's customer support]] to alert us of the desired owner change. - Our support team will then provide you with [[http://docit.gandi.net/search.php?form=se_ownerchange|another form]] which you will also need to fax to Gandi at the above number. - Gandi's customer support will then contact you to confirm the change.